Early Childhood Chapel
9:00 & 9:15 AM in classrooms | 9:50-10:10 AM in church sanctuary.
9:00 & 9:15 AM in classrooms | 9:50-10:10 AM in church sanctuary.
Members of Good Samaritans visit Trinity's homebound members.
TLS Gymnasium Lunch & Bake Sale Available
Ruth Guild meets the 4th Tuesday of every month at 9:00 AM. Members make lap robes for nursing homes and shut-ins and baby quilts.
in church library
To import this calendar and have it update dynamically as events are updated, you need to copy this link https://trinitycr.org/events/list/?ical=1&custom=1&category=church and paste it in your preferred calendar program. Alternatively, clicking the link will download the ICS file which you can use to add to a calendar. This method will not update dynamically.